Goats Training Courses


    Your Name (required)

    Your Surname (required)

    Your Address (required)

    Postal Code

    Phone Number (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Training Day
    03-04 April 202003-04 July 202002-03 October 202004-05 December 2020

    Do you require accommodation?

    If Yes (*Please note that accommodation is paid for separately and is available at The Fontane Guest House www.trefontane.co.za)

    Training Course Price is R1850

    Would you like to receive the banking details via

    For more information and cost of the training contact Nokwanda M. on 082 562 9014/events@goatsunlimited.co.za


    Goats Unlimited just recently hosted the 3rd annual Goat Agribusiness Conference in Durban. The theme of the conference was “GOAT  FARMING – THE GAME CHANGER”. The purpose of the conference was to highlight the importance of the goat industry in South Africa in general and KwaZulu-Natal in particular. The conference made it abundantly clear that this industry can make a meaningful contribution to the development of emerging farmers, and alleviate poverty and create jobs. Speakers included experts in the breeding of different types of goats as well as those who have extensive knowledge of the goat value chain.